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The Ketogenic Diet

"The anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, diet"





A ketogenic diet involves eliminating foods high in carbohydrates (starchy fruits and vegetables, bread, pasta, grains and sugar) while increasing the consumption of foods high in fat (coconut oil, palm kernel oil, butter and cream) and moderating intake of protein.
A ketogenic diet of roughly ...

  • 70% Fat

  • 20% Protein

  • 10% Carbohydrate

will force the body to mimic starvation and burn fat, rather than following the normal metabolic pathway which converts carbohydrates and 50+% of natural protein sources into glucose. The metabolism of fat produces ketones in the liver; these pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source in a process called Nutritional Ketosis. 

Measuring your blood ketones (click here for meter info) with a finger prick blood test meter first thing in the morning will produce the best reading after fasting all night. You are in Nutritional Ketosis at 0.5 to 3.0 mmol/L. When dealing with Cancer we are aiming for Therapeutic Ketosis, which is from 3.0 to 6.0 mmol/L. This occurs by replacing all dietary protein with MyAMINO.


Make sure to also measure your glucose levels. They should progressively decrease and remain stable to the lowest possible value and NOT increase after meals.


Ketones Too Low?

  • Too much carbohydrates is the main reason people fail to achieve a good level of ketosis. You MUST measure your carbohydrate intake.

  • Emotional stress will raise your cortisol, which will increase glucose levels, which will lower your ketones. Practice gratitude and acceptance.

  • A sedentary lifestyle as opposed to exercise shortly after eating which helps to burn up the glucose and get you into ketosis. Go for a brisk walk.

  • No medium-chain triglycerides in the diet. You need these to produce ketones. Use plenty of coconut oil.

  • Eating too much protein (except MyAMINO®). Limit your protein to 100g per day.


Fat Sources

Have at least 1 teaspoon of Coconut or Palm Oil with each meal. Have butter on your veggies. 

Ketones are produced from fats high in Medium-Chain Triglycerides. 

High blood sugar levels suppress the immune system and Cancer cells have over six times the number of insulin receptors that healthy cells do. This means that cancer cells are feeding on glucose, and blood glucose reduction has shown to correlate with curing cancer.

Protein Sources

Allow for 100g per day of eggs or meat. More than this will generally drop people out of ketosis. For other meals take 5 tablets of MyAMINO® as a protein source. (Take 10 tablets of MyAMINO® if weight loss or hunger is a problem) 

myamino, glucose% in ketogenic diet

Carbohydrate Sources

Aim for a carbohydrate load of no more than 20g per day. The lower the better for ketosis levels. 

Low Carb Vegetables - less than 6g a cup
Grams of carb per 100g [1]

ketogenic foods to eat

High blood sugar levels suppress the immune system [2] and Cancer cells have over six times the number of insulin receptors that healthy cells do [3]. This means that cancer cells are feeding on glucose, and blood glucose reduction has shown to correlate with cancer remission or stability [5].


Perseverance is required by people whilst the body adjusts to using Ketones more efficiently. In the meantime, symptoms of low blood sugar, like tiredness, may be inconvenient. 

Sample Menu

Breakfast 1

  • 5 or 10 x tablets of MyAMINO®.

  • 1 tsp Coconut Oil.

  • 100g Quark (1.9g carb).

  • 50g Blackberries (2.13g carb).

  • Coffee with 1 tbsp Cream (0.44g carb).

  • OR Tea with lemon.

  • 300mls water.

Breakfast 2 - Superior Immune Support


  • 5 or 10 x tablets of MyAMINO® OR 
    100g of Protein (e.g. 2 x eggs).

  • 1 tsp Coconut Oil.

  • 300g of fresh salad (avg. 8g carb).

  • Dressing - Lemon/vinegar & Oil.

  • Coffee with 1 tbsp Cream (0.44g carb).

  • OR Tea with lemon.

  • 300mls water.


  • 5 or 10 x tablets of MyAMINO®.

  • 1 tsp Coconut Oil.

  • 300g of hot fresh veggies with butter.

  • Grated cheese for flavour.

  • A handful of Macadamias.

  • 300mls water.


High fat cheese may be eaten in moderation as the fat has little effect on blood glucose levels but the casein (80% of the protein) is mostly converted into glucose.

Grams of X per 100g [1]

ketogenic protein, fat and carbs

Weight Loss Problem

Losing too much weight on a ketogenic diet can be addressed by increasing consumption of macadamias, avocados and MyAMINO® tablets. Up to 50 MyAMINO® tablets a day can be consumed with no more than 20 being consumed at any one time. 

If weight loss continues to be a problem then protein (fatty meat, fish, eggs) should be increased until the problem ceases. 


[1] Agricultural Research Service,
United States Department of Agriculture.
The USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 27.
Link to Database 

[2] Joshi MB, Lad A, Bharath Prasad AS, et al. 
High glucose modulates IL-6 mediated immune homeostasis through impeding neutrophil extracellular trap formation.
FEBS Lett. 2013 Jul 11;587(14):2241-6. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2013.05.053. Epub 2013 Jun 2.
Link to Abstract

[3] V Papa, V Pezzino, A Costantino, et al. 
Elevated insulin receptor content in human breast cancer.
J Clin Invest. 1990 November; 86(5): 1503-1510.
Link to Abstract    Link to Full Article

[4] Lucà-Moretti M.
A Comparative, Double-blind, Triple Crossover Net Nitrogen Utilization® Study Confirms the Discovery of the Master Amino Acid Pattern.
An R Acad Nac Med (Madr). 1998;115(2):397-416.
Link to Abstract    Link to Full Article

[5] Fine EJ, Segal-Isaacson CJ, Feinman RD, et al. 
Targeting insulin inhibition as a metabolic therapy in advanced cancer: a pilot safety and feasibility dietary trial in 10 patients.
Nutrition. 2012 Oct;28(10):1028-35. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2012.05.001. Epub 2012 Jul 26.
Link to Abstract    Link to Full Article

[6] Ho VW, Leung K, Hsu A, Luk B, Lai J, Shen S, et al.
A Low Carbohydrate, High Protein Diet Slows Tumor Growth and Prevents Cancer Initiation.
Cancer Res. 2011 Jul 1;71(13):4484-93. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-10-3973.Epub 2011 Jun 14.
Link to Abstract    Link to Full Article

A Low Carbohydrate, High Protein Diet Slows Tumor Growth and Prevents Cancer Initiation [6].

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